How to Change Game Account Password of 2Rohan

You have playing Bloodthrist 2Rohan but you don't know how to change the game account password? you can't find it? Okay, let's starting this tutorial.

First, go to this WEBSITE. this is 2Rohan website.
Second, scrolling to the center page then look at left side. you will see "change password" button there.

look at this image
changepassword 2Rohan

After you click that button, then will pop up this following page
changepassword 2Rohan2

Fill all the following box then click "change button". and BUMB !!! your password has been changed. happy gaming ^_^


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Anda sudah bermain Bloodthrist 2Rohan tetapi tidak tahu bagaimana mengganti password game akun? tidak bisa menemukan caranya? baiklah, mari kita mulai tutorial ini.

Pertama, buka WEBSITE ini. Ini adalah website 2Rohan.
Kedua, scroll page nya ke tengah kemudian lihat sebelah kiri website. anda akan melihan tombol "change password" disana.

lihat gambar ini.
changepassword 2Rohan1

Setelah meng-klik tombol tersebut, maka akan muncul tampilan seperti dibawah ini.
changepassword 2Rohan02

Isi semua kolom dengan benar kemudian klik "change button". dan BUMB !!! password anda sudah berubah. happy gaming ^_^
Description: How to Change Game Account Password of 2Rohan
Rating: 4.5
Reviewed by: CasN
On: 4:33 am